Ke Ga Light House
Ke Ga light house located about 30 km south of Phan Thiet along the coast is an area known for its Ke Ga lighthouse on a small island just across the water. It is an absolutely gorgeous stretch of beach, and as you get closer to the lighthouse there are strikingly colourful and intricate rock formations all along the shore. Built in 1897 by a French architect named Chnavat, the lighthouse is 64 m high and assessed as one of the most beautiful lighthouses in Southeast Asia.
With its tower alone is 41m high, the lighthouse is situated on the height of 25 m compared to the sea level. It is octagonal and can light as far as 22 nautical miles. Ke Ga lighthouse looks beautiful and like a precious artwork thanks to its primary construction material granite.
Currently, Ke Ga Island and the lighthouse are on their ways to become an attraction to tourists coming to Phan Thiet because they are both picturesque scenery and distinctive architectural vestige.
How to get there: To reach Ke Ga, make your way to Phan Thiet, if you are not already there, and find Tran Hung Dao St. After you cross the bridge going from west to east, the turn-off to Ke Ga is 3.6 km further on. It is an easy turn to miss -- not marked in any way -- but if you hit the roundabout you have gone too far. You will know you are on the right road going south when you hit a steep up-hill grade. This veers eastward and runs along the water for most of the trip.
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