Poshanu Cham Tower
There are in total 3 towers: the main Tower A (15m high) located in the South and 2 sub towers including Tower B (12m high) on the North and Tower C (4m hight) on the East.
The old Champa Kingdom was strongly influenced by the India civilization. About the later half of the VIII century and the first half of the IX century, the Champa people built these towers to worship Shiva – one of the Indian Gods. Until the XV century, the Champa people continued building some simple temples to worship princess Poshanu, the daughter of king Para Chanh, who was loved by her people for her talent and virtue.
In the years 1992-1995, archaeological excavation had discovered the foundations of many temples that had been buried for hundreds of year. Since this excavation, the temples are named Poshanu.
For hundreds of years being forgotten, from 1990 to 2000, the Poshanu Towers had been repaired and embellished.